Thursday, August 18, 2016

21st August - A Touch of Madness

So, as I've recently discovered, I'm very sensitive about where I perform! Okay, I put some of the blame on bad previous experiences - let's call it Post Traumatic Venue Stress. Either way, I'm happy to be returning to a place that started me off YEARS ago on my guitar journey, A Touch of Madness

Back in my early twenties, I was their regular background musician. It was great practice, heading off once or twice a week, being confined to one spot, for about two hours... and just playing.

I used to be sad, about these precious moments that were quite special to me, connecting through music, being lost and forgotten by the next day. That's probably why I wanted to create something more permanent... my own music.

I'm glad to say that I've grown up a bit now. The impermanence is as much a part of life, as it is of music. A beautiful sunset fades, so does a flower. It is important to come together and admire them though!

So, as I return, with my wish fulfilled - a repertoire of my own music, I think I've learned a little in the interim. Being together - for whatever reason, and entertaining people (and myself - why else do I play guitar), with whatever music is a blessing.

It does help that this venue is the perfect salon setting for intimate music as well!